UELAA 2020 organisers would like to apologise for changes to the schedule of planned events that were disrupted due to the global pandemic. Despite limitations, we have managed to conduct this first edition of UELAA 2020 online. The winner of the competition is mentioned below! We thank you for your patience.
UELAA! 2020
University of East London Animation Awards 2020
30-second Animation Competition for 16-19 years olds!

Brief and Prizes announced
10 February 2020
Animation workshops for
London/UK-based applicants
Saturdays, March 2020
Deadline for submissions
12:00 pm, 10 May 2020
Award Ceremony at the University of East London
has been cancelled due to Covid-19 - related. Applicants contacted with further details through email.
13th June 2020
Heading 1
UELAA 2020 Best film Award and £300 awarded to
'Moon Cafe' by Eden Ferguson
Selection Team's response to Eden's winning film!
The film ‘Moon Café’ is a striking film that uses film language effectively to express the unique voice of its maker.
The music, voices, CG and live action visuals have been skill fully-crafted, paced and integrated to create a poignant short animated piece on the theme ‘Home’.
The film is successful in evoking a nostalgic feel and this is the result of excellent editing, captivating visual treatment and a very carefully mixed and well-balanced soundtrack. The selection team would like to congratulate Eden Ferguson on his excellent filmmaking work on the film ‘Moon Café’ and award the film the ‘Best Film Award’ at the first edition of the UELAA awards.
Rules and Regulations
The awards are administered by the University of East London in association with the London International Film Festival, BlinkInk Studios London, Passion Pictures London and the London Animation Club and as a non-profit activity.
Official Language
The official language of the awards is English
Qualifications for Entry
The following requirements are necessary for entry into the awards
Entrants should be at least 16 years of age and not more than 19 years, on 10th May 2020.
Entrants who are already enrolled at university on a degree course are not eligible to apply.
The entry shall be made frame-by frame.
Running time of the submitted work is a minimum of 30 seconds.
The entry will need to be completed after 1st February 2020.
For screening formats that are acceptable for the awards. Please see ‘Formats’ section below
Copyrighted materials such as characters, scripts, music, etc cannot be used on the entry work, without the copyright owner’s agreement. Failure to obtain such agreement will result in the work being disqualified from the competition.
Entry Procedure
Participants will need to register online at www.animationuel.com
If there any special circumstances, that prevent you from registering online, please contact the awards office at uelaa@uel.ac.uk
One still image of the work (jpeg) and one photograph of the director (jpeg) would need to be sent in along with the submitted works
Work with dialogues, or narration in any other language other than English, must be subtitled.
No entry fee is required
Submitting final works
Download-able links should be sent to uelaa@uel.ac.uk
Deadline for Submission
12 pm (GMT), 10th May 2020
Selection Committee
It will be the responsibility of the selection committee to select works for the competition programme.
Shortlisted films and winners
Shortlisted films and winners will be selected by a selection committee of international panel members. The panel will be announced on the website.
Festival prizes and awards
BlinkInk prize for Best film: £ 300
BlinkInk prize for Best Animation £ 200
Creative Storytelling prize
Visual Style and technique prize
Innovation in story or visual style prize
All prize winners will be able to spend a day at a London animation studio, shadowing an animator at work (The date and time for this will be decided by the studio. If the prizewinner is unable to claim the prize on the given date, they will not be able to claim this at a another date, unless the studio is able to rearrange another time).
All prize winners will receive a goody bag with merchandise from sponsor organisations.
All prize winners will receive admission as well as a scholarship towards doing a BA (Hons) degree in Animation at the UEL Animation Programme.
One or more of the prizewinners will be able to do an Internship at a London animation studio, after their first or second year at the University of East London.
Cinema screening: A selection of the best films, selected by the organisation committee will be screened at several venues in London through the University of East London, the London Animation Club and London International Animation Festival. All participants will be invited to the screening and will be notified ahead of the screening.
Online screening: Films screened will be screened online on a dedicated Youtube channel for the UELAA awards
Promotional use of entry works
The entrant grants the organising committee the right to use any part of the entry work and related materials for publicity purposes for the University of East London Awards.
Matters not mentioned in regulations
Any matters not mentioned in regulations will be decided on by organising committee.
Acceptance of the Regulations
By registering and submitting their work to UELAA! 2020 the entrant accepts the terms of the present regulations, as stated in this document.
UELAA! 2020
WB 1.01, Docklands Campus
University of East London
London E16 2RD
Email: uelaa@uel.ac.uk